1. For how long did you take Gold Leaf 40% (4000mg) Cannabidiol CBD Oil 10ml?
The oil has a pleasant peppermint taste, however there’s a lingering aftertaste that lasts for a while.
2. How easy was it to administer Gold Leaf 40% (4000mg) Cannabidiol CBD Oil 10ml?
Very easy.
3. Why did you want to take/use Gold Leaf 40% (4000mg) Cannabidiol CBD Oil 10ml?
I took the product for gout pain.
4. For how long did you take Gold Leaf 40% (4000mg) Cannabidiol CBD Oil 10ml?
I took the recommended dose of the product twice a day for a week (7 days).
5. Did you find Gold Leaf 40% (4000mg) Cannabidiol CBD Oil 10ml beneficial?
I found the cbd oil spray to be very effective for pain relief and relax inducing contributing to a goodnight’s sleep.
6. Would you recommend Gold Leaf 40% (4000mg) Cannabidiol CBD Oil 10ml?
I would definitely recommend this product.